
Where we rinse quotes for their deepest meaning


They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself
Andy Warhol

Time is always on a constant roll, without stopping. We, on the other hand, stop a forward progress for a breather. When we forget to continue, then we slacken and until we are reminded to continue then the transformations in this fast-changing world compel us to. We have the power to change or remain the same. Sometimes it costs us a lot not keeping up, and we risk getting out of touch with the world. To be up-to-date, stay awake and look around for what’s changing, and if necessary make those transformations that you need to.

Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change

The wisest are on top of things, and are in control of his situation, and therefore aware of their moves. The stupidest are on the bottom, way beyond anything, and are too ignorant to see what change is necessary to make. Sometimes when reminded, he prefers to play it safe, and hence remains the same. The wisest on the other hand has a clear vision of what’s ahead, and hence maintains a status quo which though resistant to any change, is favorable to any situation that comes up.

They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom

Change is always occurring, and when it does, it makes different everything around us. We realize that what used to work doesn’t and what sounded okay now needs a revision. What was small is big, and what was impossible is now possible, and vice versa. We no longer fit into the reality. With no change, it becomes difficult to live in those current conditions, and that makes us unhappy. Then we resort to change, in constant search of that which makes us happy and fulfilled. Change is necessary to fulfillment.

Change your thoughts and you change your world
Norman Vincent Peale

Before anything happened, it had occurred in thought—consciously or subconsciously. Thoughts go before us, and so determine our success or gloom. “Thoughts are things”, so they say and so modeling what you think, is modeling your life. But hey, other people or things can take control of our thoughts, and so determine our life. Be also, you want to have the control of your life, so simply take charge. Think it and be it you will.

June 1, 2008 Posted by | Change | , | 1 Comment